time goes by so slowly..

Unless you write for Brittish Man that is!

Here at Brittish Man Fashion Blog, we can hardly believe it's been a year since that first post a year and a day ago! We appreciate those who stuck by us and have supported the blog all this time! We love you guys! Happy Anniversary Brittish Man!

Back to work!

Its politician time in the United States, and unless you live under a rock, you know who the front runners are for the presidential candidacy. Hillary Rodham Clinton aka Hillz Billz. And my personal favorite Barack Obama aka Barizzack are both vying for the Democratic ticket, while John McCain is vouching for the republicans...I'm not sure who's still in the race for the Repubs but it seems that the real focus is on the first black man and first woman running for presidential office. I'm going to take a break from fashion juuust this once.


No more complaining about the president if you didn't vote for anyone, check the issues, listen to the standpoints, and make an educated decision on who you want to run this country. The past 8 years have been hell, prayerfully the next four will be hope.


I just wanted to get that out there, and continuing with presidents, I think the next post will be a spotlight on the well-dressed ones...and their wives..Helloooo Jacki O!

Can't wait for you to see, and don't forget to vote!


Britt.TISH man

(Ps my political views are purely my own, they are in no way shape or form speaking for Brittney or Manny, but for tish, its Obama '08!)

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