I <3 Hip Hop

When talking about Urban culture and the streetwear that goes along with it, it's imperative to talk about the impact and after effect of the culture of hip hop, whether it be 80s Run-DMC, 90s N.W.A., or even today's music. While im not the biggest fan of this kind of music, i do appreciate (some of) the effects it had on earlier generations of streetwear.
Let's start of with the early, 80s, it's 1984 and the movie "Beat Street" has just been released. This film was groundbreaking for fashion and breakdancing in this period of time. If you've seen it, you know exactly what im talking about, if not let's delve a little deeper. The entire movie focuses around the '84 Christmas season of 2 brothers, one a D.J., the younger is a Breaker. Forget the plot though, lets talk about the wardrobe, the movie clearly shows the fact that there is nothing new under the sun and what goes around comes right back around, the most striking of these would have to be the club scene, the main character(Lee) walks in with a Shemagh tied around his neck, later on you see girls in leggings under skirts, bandanas tied around necks, bomb sneakers, and to top it off, dress vests over t-shirts.

Beat Street was monumental in bringing Graffiti as art to the public eye, and also broke the laws of gravity in what was once considering dancing and is now an art that only the elite can perform well...
Moving on, Run-DMC is undeniably one of the most influential music groups of all time, whether it fashion, music, or even ways of thinking. Take for example the classic Run-DMC shirt, a must have for all Urban Fashionists

The tee is plain and simple yet makes a statement, just like the trio did in the 80s. Going against the grain on what rap was becoming, Run-DMC didn't do the gangster rap that was emerging from the West Coast, or the hard core dance music coming from the South, but they said what they had to say, and well at that, and went on to become one of the biggest groups of all time. Kudos to Rev. Run, Darryl McDaniels, and of course, R.I.P. Jam Master Jay

While I'd hate to admit it just because im not a fan of gangster rap, N.W.A did come on the scene with a full force, putting a microscope on the happenings of California and all the trials that went on beneath the surface. I honestly cant rattle off of any of their stats, I've honestly(and clearly) never been a fan of gangsta rap and probably never will be but lets focus on the wardrobe eh? It's not uncommon now for me to see guys in fitted sweatshirts with the dookie gold chains, track jackets, and most of all Regional hats (D.C., N.Y., L.A. etc) and while this picture might not be the best example of the fashion at this point in time, it does show that people from the LA/Bay area carry a different sense of style and also, a different swagger about themselves, one that could easily go from confident, to downright cocky, something i still see today in the men of California. sheesh.

I could easily go on and on about Urban Clothing but i wont, just know that it didnt just start in the 80s with Beat Street, it had been culminating in the 70s with ideas from Blacksploitation films, and also films like The Warriors and Krush Groove. Nor did it end with N.W.A, today's influences include (my favorites) Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, Jay-Z, and others. But this fashion isnt just limited to men, people like Gwen Stefani and Misslawn, founder of Hellz Bellz, an exlcusive Street clothing line for women. (Thank goodness for that) Either way it all boils down to influences,(as previously stated in my and Emmanuel's posts) what your personal forte is and what you like to do..but until you figure it out, here's some suggestions of films/shows to check out for some pretty grand fashionists(not just urban), some you know and some you dont...until next time...Stay True.

The List
-The Great Gastby -Sex & The City
-Oceans 11(Old and New) -The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
-Beat Street -School Daze
-The Warriors -What Not to Wear
-Do The Right Thing -Juice
-The Natural -V For Vendetta
-Krush Groove -House Party
-Cooley High -The Wood
can you think of any? Let me know. britt.tish@yahoo.com
-britt.TISHALICIOUS man.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We print those classic Run-DMC shirts you wrote about "a must have for all Urban Fashionists" at ImpactMerch.com