Starbucks Analogies.

Sometimes i think fashion is overrated.
i think the people who dictate fashionability suck.
and that if you dont become like them, then you're out.

Auf Wiedersen to that.

Contemplate this lil story i heard today...
There once was a woman who was complaining to her mother
how bad things were for her.
Her mother took her into the kitchen, and took out three things.
Carrots, Raw Eggs, and Coffee Beans.
She put all three into separate boiling pots of water and let them set for 20 minutes.
When she turned the water off she showed all three things to her daughter
The carrots, which started off hard and strong, had turned soft and weak.
The boiled egg, which was a thin shell on the outside, turned hard on the inside.
And the coffee beans, had boiled, and the water became strong with aroma and flavor.
Her daughter asked what was the point of this experiment was and the mother explained.
All three items were placed in the same situation, but they all had different outcomes.
Are the carrot? starting off hard and in the face of adversity you weaken and run away?
Are you the egg? who start off solid but upon issues you harden and turn cold to anything you interact with?
Or are you the coffee bean, that is a catalyst, and doesn't move,

but changes the water itself.

So ask yourself, are you willing to change who you are for the acceptance of others?
OR will you choose to be yourself, and be satisfied with the acceptance of God(which is really who matters)

think on it. until further notice,

I Bid you..Good Day!
britt.TISH. man

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